Hallasd a hangod! EU-s ifjúsági konferencia

Hallasd a hangod! EU-s ifjúsági konferencia – 2022. október 14-15
3 kiváló angol tudású tanulónk vett részt a fenti rendezvényen, ahol angolul és magyarul hallhattak előadásokat, találkozhattak Jaume Duch úrral, az Európai Parlament szóvivőjével, a Kommunikációs Főigazgatóság főigazgatójával, Deutsch Tamás európai parlamenti képviselővel, önismereti és egyéb műhelymunkákban jeleskedtek, motivációs trénert hallgattak (Szántó Péter: Skillek, hogy valóra válj) és tájékozódhattak a fiataloknak szóló EU-s lehetőségekről. Egyikőjük, Őszi Marcell, 10.B osztályos tanuló angolul írta le tapasztalatait az eseményekről.

In September we (3 from the same class 10.B) and our English teacher got an invitation to this event called „Hallasd a hangod”. We didn’t know much about what would happen there, all that we knew that it would last for two days on October 14th-15th and the event would be about the EU. A couple days before the event we got an email where we would stay and what the programs would be.

On 14th of October we arrived at the European Youth Centre, where we checked in and waited for the first program which was the introduction. Then the spokesperson of the European Parliament, Jaume Duch came and talked for a little bit to welcome us to the event. After that, Szántó Péter gave us a „Ted-talk”(Skillek, hogy valóra válj) about how to be successful in life. Next we had our 1st workshop. We were assigned to one of three groups. These were: A group “Vita, érveléstechnika”, B group “Önismereti tréning”, C group “Networking skill” fejlesztés alapjai. Before our 2nd workshop (which had exactly the same names and topics, but with different people) we had lunch. After our 2nd workshop we had to assign to a group to play a quiz about the EU. Next Jaume Duch talked about his job, and answered a few questions that the audience gave to him. That was the first day of the event. The Second day started with Deutsch Tamás’s (member of the EU Parliament) talk and a discussion between a few university students that studied abroad. Then we had a drawing „competition” on what Europe we want. That was all for the event.

I enjoyed this event a lot. I thought that this was really well organised, and I liked that they introduced workshops, EU opportunities to a lot of people. These workshops can help many of us, especially those who are going to work for big companies.

Dobosné Rezsnyák Tímea angol szakos kísérő tanár